Subject Verb Agreement Reading Comprehension

Subject-verb agreement is an essential grammar rule that is necessary to improve reading comprehension, especially when it comes to understanding complex sentences. It is a basic principle that dictates that the subject and verb of a sentence must agree in number. For example, a singular subject should match with a singular verb, while a plural subject should match with a plural verb.

Correct subject-verb agreement in sentences is essential because it helps listeners, readers, and writers to clearly understand the message communicated. When the subject and verb do not align, it creates confusion, and the intended meaning of the sentence can be lost. Therefore, mastering subject-verb agreement is a crucial skill that all writers, editors, and readers should possess.

The following tips can be helpful for understanding and maintaining proper subject-verb agreement in your writing and reading:

1. Pay attention to the subject of the sentence: The subject is the person, place, thing, or idea that the sentence is about. It is essential to identify the subject before selecting the correct verb. For example, in the sentence « The dog barks, » the subject is « the dog, » which is singular. Therefore the verb « barks » should match in number, making it singular too.

2. Recognize the number of the subject: The number of the subject determines the number of the verb. If the subject is singular, the verb should be singular too. If the subject is plural, the verb should also be plural. For example, in the sentence « The dogs bark, » the subject is « dogs, » which is plural. Therefore, the verb « bark » should match in number, making it plural as well.

3. Avoid being misled by prepositional phrases: Prepositional phrases usually start with a preposition such as « for, » « with, » « by, » « without, » etc. They often separate the subject from the verb, making it tricky to determine the correct agreement. However, the verb must agree with the actual subject and not the object of the preposition. For example, in the sentence « The girl, along with her friends, were playing in the park, » the subject is « girl, » which is singular. Therefore, the verb « were » is incorrect, and it should be « was » to match the subject.

4. Be aware of indefinite pronouns: Indefinite pronouns, such as « everyone, » « anyone, » « someone, » and « no one, » can confuse subject-verb agreement because they can refer to both singular and plural subjects. For example, in the sentence « Everyone is here, » « everyone » is a singular pronoun, so the verb « is » should match in number.

In conclusion, proper subject-verb agreement is essential to improve reading comprehension and enhance communication clarity. When these rules are followed, sentences become clear, and the intended message is conveyed. By staying mindful of the tips mentioned above, writers and readers can master subject-verb agreement and communicate with greater precision.